Converting him basically consists of pulling the robot bits out from under the truck and unfolding them. Yep, he's a shellformer. But, all the vehicle mode parts fold up to make his backpack, so they're out of the way. He's not like the old Beast Wars shellformers.
And you don't care because Wreck-Gar is awesome.
The paint is very good. It is, of course, show accurate. Mostly. He's missing a few bits of black. Mainly on his fingers/thumb, under his bill thing on his head, a few places on his chest, and a few places on his head. But what's that? You say mine has those painted? Yeah, I went ahead and painted that stuff. So when you get him, they won't be painted. Just take a small brush, some acrylic paint, and be very patient. It's worth it. Also, his feet aren't red, but I'm afraid that if I painted them I'd just make them look bad. His colors are mostly the same as G1 Wreck-Gar, especially the face and chest.
With all those joints. he's not back heavy at all, like you might think he would be. In fact, he's better balanced than most other modern Transformers. So you can get him into all kinds of poses, as long as you don't make his backpack go radically off to one side or something. He can even balance on one foot if you do it right.
You just push the tab up or down to slide them in and out of his pack. They have some nice detailing, and once you realize that they look like scissors they're pretty awesome. Though, something more would be nice. Id' love a little vacuum like the one he used to clean up the nanobots and save Detroit at the end of Garbage In, Garbage Out. Oh well. I might make one.
I am enamored with Wreck-Gar. I love his overall look. I love the expression on his face. I love how his head looks like an old portable T.V.. I love so many little things about him. He is tied with my G1 Wreck-Gar for my favorite toys OF ALL TIME. You should definitely grab him, if you can find him, that is. Even if you can't, order one online.
By the way, Wreck-Gar Twitters now.
~I am Raw/Monty! I Dare to Be Stupid!
He can even hold his instructions!
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