Because I'm lazy.
Cyclonus was one of the Decepticons re-created by Unicron. Megatron became Galvatron, Thundercracker became Scourge, Kickback and Shrapnel became Scourge's sweeps, and, well who became Cyclonus? Well, that's a point of contention amongst Transfans. You see, in the movie, when this all happened, as Cyclonus was created Bombshell (An Insecticon) was in the front of the shot while Skywarp (One of Starscream's fellow Seekers) was in the back. Both are turned into identical Cyclonuses (Cycloni?). And, Unicron said "Cyclonus... and his Armada", but one robot isn't an armada. The second Cyclonus then disappears. But it's never explained who Cyclonus once was. While the blocking of the shot and a line by Skywarp about Cyclonus once being a "bug" (Confusing huh? Skywarp may be Cyclonus, but he's talking to Cyclonus. Transformers lore is full of that stuff. However, this line is from a pseudo-canonical source, so it may or may not count) say Bombshell, Cyclonus's alt mode, general design, and loyalty (Skywarp was one of the few loyal 'Cons, while all the Insecticons did whatever was best for themselves) say Skywarp. So, who knows? The card-back for this new Cyclonus says he was created from the "parts of dead Decepticons", which would imply both. However, this is from 22-23 years later, so it doesn't say what happened in the movie.
But wait! This shit gets worse! You see, it's slagging hard to tell who the hell Nightstick is! Nightstick is Cyclonus's Targetmaster gun. The Targetmasters were a sub-group of Transformers that featured smaller robots/cyborgs that became their weapons (The Headmasters had robots that became their heads, and the Powermasters/Godmasters had little robots that became "engines" that allowed the big robot to transform). Neat idea huh? But, in the Japanese Transformers fiction, Nightstick was the Autobot Ricochet's partner. Ricochet was eventually sold here in the US, so for Americans have two Nightsticks in the fiction. AND Nightstick had his character model switched with Fracas, Scourge's Targetmaster partner. But their colors stayed the same. It's all pretty confusing, so, as you can see, the review hasn't even started and I've already typed two paragraphs just trying to tell you who I'm reviewing.
Conversion is another good point. It's difficult enough to be fun and engaging, but not so fucking hard you want to stab something like Universe 2008 Galvatron (While being insanely difficult fits Galvatron, Deluxe sized Transformers SHOULD NOT be that tough. Seriously, I think converting him involves breaking the laws of physics). Even his conversion is like G1. His head comes out of the nose, his lower arms are the outer engines with the tail-fins, and his legs are the central engines.
His articulation is superb. Swivel head, forearms, and thighs, those double pin joint balljoints Transformers have for shoulders, hinge elbows and knees, and true balljointed hips.
Cyclonus is a great, fun toy. He may be hard to find, as his spaceship mode makes him popular with the kids. But you should definitely grab him if you can. He's a nice update of a classic G1 character, and the revival of the Targetmasters. And he goes well with Universe (2008) Galvatron and Armada/Universe (2008) Unicron (Unicron was re-released unchanged as a Toys R' Us exclusive a few months ago. I have him, and reviewed him back at Rooster Teeth).
*CHUK!* ~Raw/Monty
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